
Launch Java Applet: pixelPlot02

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I wanted to express the color space of an image in 3D.  Thinking about it, I figured I could map the ‘hue \ saturation \ value(brightness)’ of an image into XYZ point values.  I tried this with RGB values instead of HSV, but I didn’t like the visual “clumping”.  That’s wha this sketch does, for a given image:  As it runs, it samples a pixels color value, turns it into a XYZ point in space, colors it the color of the pixel, and then plots it.  For a given 3d point, if it is plotted multiple times, it will start to grow.

The below image showcases this, but you really need to see it in action.  I also have some video’s of it on Flickr here, here, and here.

The pixels being plotted in 3D

The pixels being plotted in 3D

The source image being sampled

The source image being sampled

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