Bubblepaint 0.1.3
Based on my previous post, I’ve got a usable version of Bubblepaint ready for the masses.
In a nutshell, it’s a simple ‘paint program’ using 2d physics. You ‘paint’ with ‘bubbles’ that collide with each other. Good fun. It’s implemented via Python through PyGame (graphics) using PyMunk (physics). It’s documentation is on a toggleable layer on the main screen once it starts.
You can find a zipped Windows executable here:
- http://www.akeric.com/python/bubblepaint/bubblepaint_0_1_3.zip
- Make a directory, unzip the contents into it, run BubblePaint.exe
You can find the updated Python source here:
- http://www.akeric.com/python/bubblepaint/bubblePaint_0_1_3.py
- This was built with Python 2.6.2, PyGame 1.9.1, and PyMunk 0.8.4, so be sure to have all of those up to snuff.
Put a few pics on up Flickr here.
I’d love to hear some feedback. I don’t have many plans to develop it much further, but you never know 😉