Visual guide to Tkinter widgets

Over on my Python Wiki, I’ve started making a ‘visual guide to Tkinter widgets’.  I’ve found a lot of good online Tkinter reference, but nothing with pictures… so I figured I’ll make my own :)  I find this to be a good exercise when first learning a new UI system, plus it makes for a nice quick-reference when authoring them later.

As an asside, I’ve also started this process for Maya’s Extended Layer Format (ELF) UI system on my Mel Wiki HERE.

See the growing Tkinter widget list HERE, but a few examples are pasted in below:


First PyGame program
New Processing sketch: glowMotes01
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  • Comments (1)
    • Bob Koretsky
    • March 24th, 2014 4:20pm

    This is the coolest Python I’ve ever seen! Thanks!

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