Verlet physics in Processing

I randomly came across two great tutorials (one, two) by Florian Boesch detailing verlet physics.  His examples were done in JavaScript, and as a learning exercise I ported them to Processing.  The below images link to the pages on my blog where you can launch the interactive Processing applets and grab the Processing source code.

Arduino to Maya Communication via Python
pyglet: First steps
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  1. Heh, cute :) glad that my tutorials where of help. The stable verlet collision took quite some thinking to get it right with minimal energy loss yet stable resting state.

  2. I’d done some verlet stuff myself (in Python) on this previous post:
    And, I amazed myself that it actually worked :) But yours seems more stable, so I was glad to happen upon it. Gotta start comparing the differences now…
    Thanks again!

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